Airside Innovations
safe & sustainable
Making optimal use of runways and landing strips, ensuring maximum safety and taking the environment into account – this is what FL8SAFE was developed for. The special thin asphalt and concrete coating reduces the risk of aquaplaning and improves the directional stability of aircraft. The coating retains its antiskid properties even when there is light snow and hoar frost. FL8SAFE also reduces the rubber abrasion left in touchdown areas of runways and landing strips. More effective utilisation, lower maintenance requirements and longer service life compared to conventional coatings ensure excellent cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
Airport pavements, in particular, are exposed to very intensive and varied loads. CDS products are specifically designed for this purpose. For decades, CDS sealants have been used in international aviation to protect technical equipment integrated into airport pavements from severe climatic, mechanical, and chemical loads. CDS epoxy-based repair mortars have repeatedly proven their durability under extreme conditions at airports around the world.
POSSEHL PAVEPROTECT is an epoxy treatment for the protection of surfaces exposed to aggressive substances. The treated surfaces offer the numerous advantages over untreated surfaces and also get longer life and value retention. POSSEHL PAVEPROTECT uses a special sand embedded in a two-component epoxy resin binder. A special tinted top coat in a wide range of colors is available as an option. POSSEHL PAVEPROTECT is installed using a special machine with an integrated control system that ensures precise distribution of the binder; the treated surface is ready for use after just a few hours. Daytime or nighttime application allows for minimal disruption to operations.
NOxOFF uses the natural process of photocatalysis and the product titanium dioxide (TiO2). This absorbs UV light and produces hydroxide (OH). This acts as a strong oxidizing agent and then destroys harmful air pollutants and organics such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as formaldehyde and benzene), and other organic compounds (such as bacteria and algae). These are then broken down and converted into nitrate (NO3-), water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The rain washes away these substances without damage to the environment.
Ice & Dust Away is an environmentally friendly product to combat slipperiness on roads, paths and airports. It prevents slippery roads for up to 60 hours and is therefore much more efficient than regular road salt. Because the product is long-lasting, fewer people and equipment are needed to combat slipperiness.
In addition, it is an environmentally conscious solution: there are no adverse side effects for people or the environment. It is easily biodegradable and has no adverse effects on groundwater, plants, or trees. In addition, Ice Off is non-corrosive, so there are no adverse effects on surfaces or metals.
Preserve asphalt surfaces for a longer lifespan with AsKo. By increasing the resistance of the existing bitumen against the influence of oxidation, temperature and UV-exposure you can prolong the expected service life of the asphalt. Installation has a low impact on traffic and treated areas can be opened to traffic after approximately 2 hours.